Over the last few weeks, I have had the pleasure of contributing to some particularly interesting future casting work under the banner The Living Catalogue, led by two of the organizations I admire the most, Bespoke Agency and the art policy think tank a/nordi/c. My contributions include helping collect ‘signals’ relating to digital infrastructures (more […] Read More…
. . This past week I had the pleasure of co-hosting a series of 4 workshops as part of the “Future Fabrication” program (#Futurefab) that we’re building in Danish Design Centre, focusing on the potential of maker culture and new technologies to radically revitalize fabrication in Denmark. More specifically, we’re exploring 4 concrete topics within this overall theme: […] Read More…
. . Last week I had the pleasure of being invited to participate alongside 35 talented artists, cultural entrepreneurs and civil servants in a workshop to discuss the cultural development of the Fehmarnbelt region (which covers the land area around the water between Germany and Denmark – including Copenhagen and Hamburg). It was 48 hours of co-creations, […] Read More…
This past Saturday was global Open Data Day, and in more than 300 cities worldwide volunteer open data advocates organized events to promote not only open data, but “open-everything” culture. So we did in Copenhagen; in a collaboration between Open Knowledge Denmark, Wikimedia Denmark and the Danish Open Street Map community we held […] Read More…
. . I’ve volunteered alongside a couple of colleagues from Open Knowledge Denmark (Niels Erik Kaaber Rasmussen) and Solobeta (Henrik Chulu and Christian Ingemann) as official Danish Ambassadors for EU Codeweek 2014 that takes place from October 11-17 2014. The initiative was launched by Vice President of the European Commission Neelie Kroes’ Young Advisors with […] Read More…
. . As part of the ALT:CPH art festival this week (taking place at Fabrikken for Kunst & Design) we’re shifting 8-bit klubben into gear to organize a grand Mikrodisko party, #3 on Copenhagen soil, with the some of best artists the international chip tune scene has to offer: Bit Shifter (US), Nerdsynth (DE) and Trey […] Read More…
By Christian Villum
Also posted in 8bitklubben, Art, Copenhagen, Events, Music, Science Friction
Tagged Alt:Cph, Bit Shifter, Halfdan Pisket, La Belle Indifference, mikrodisko, Nerdsynth, Trey Frey