Monthly Archives September 2021

Right To Repair write-up and national radio appearance

Last week I had the pleasure of being asked by Danish outlet Kommunikationsforum to write up an article about the emerging #RightToRepair global movement, which seeks to change the severely broken and highly unsustainable value chain for consumer electronics. Read the article here: Kommunikationsforum – Alle har ret til en reparation The article then traveled […] Read More…

Co-authoring research publication, “Diving Deep into Corporate Innovation”

Over the course of 6 months in 2020-2021, during my time in Danish Design Centre, I had the pleasure of making a deep plunge into the inner workings of ten corporates to explore with them how innovation works in such large, complex organisations. Concretely, ten innovation leads from large companies such as Ørsted, Konica Minolta, […] Read More…