Category Archive Circular economy

Close The Loop: The Circular Value Game now out

Marking that The REFLOW Project (as mentioned earlier in this blog) is inching towards the end, we are proud to announce the release of ‘Close The Loop: The Circular Value Chain Game,’ an outcome of the experimentation that the project team has been doing with companies like REMA1000, Cloetta, X, and others. The game is […] Read More…

REFLOW: Co-creating circular and regenerative resource flows in cities

As part of my work in Danish Design Centre I have the pleasure of being part of the EU-funded REFLOW Project, which aims to develop circular and regenerative cities through enabling active citizen involvement and systemic change to re-think the current approach to material flows in cities. REFLOW’s vision is to develop such circular and […] Read More…

Developing the Fab City global vision + contributing to the official book

. This past July I had the pleasure of attending the 2018 Fab City Global Summit in Paris to contribute to the ongoing development of the magnificent Fab City world vision – as well as to speak at two of the events: First, at the Fab City Lab which was a one day pre-conference that took […] Read More…