Monthly Archives September 2014

WikiWednesday at Science Friction, come join!

. . On Wednesday October 1 2014 we are happy in Science Friction to invite Wikimedia Denmark to run their monthly community meetup WikiWednesday in our space. Read more about the event here and come join. Read More…

Geek archeology: Cell phone and music player chronology and convergence

. . Time for a little bit of technology nostalgia. This past weekend I was cleaning out the attic and historically have been unable to throw out my worn-out phones‚ music players and peripherals. I didn’t succeed this time in doing so either (familiar, anyone?), but did manage to put together this timeline of all […] Read More…

Booting Open Access community in Denmark: Meetup next week

. . This coming week with Open Knowledge Denmark we’re organizing a meetup to invite everyone in Copenhagen interested in Open Access and open science to come listen to a presentation by the founder of one of the most exciting Open Access projects right now, The Open Access Button – David Carroll. We would love to see the […] Read More…

Mikrodisko #3, in collaboration with ALT:CPH – featuring Bit Shifter, Nerdsynth, Trey Frey and more

. . As part of the ALT:CPH art festival this week (taking place at Fabrikken for Kunst & Design) we’re shifting 8-bit klubben into gear to organize a grand Mikrodisko party, #3 on Copenhagen soil, with the some of best artists the international chip tune scene has to offer: Bit Shifter (US), Nerdsynth (DE) and Trey […] Read More…

8-bit klubben flash mob in the Copenhagen Metro

. To prepare the city for the upcoming Copenhagen Mikrodisko #3 happening at the ALT:CPH Festival later this week and the onslaught of Bit Shifter (US), Trey Frey (US), Nerdsynth (DE), Halfdan Pisket (DK) and La Belle Indifference (DK), we did a flash mob in the Copenhagen Metro today. Our buddes in the Chassis Arcade […] Read More…