Tag Archives: open data

National radio appearance on state of open public data

This week I was asked to give a statement on behalf of Open Knowledge Denmark, of which I am a volunteer, in a program called ‘Kraniebrud‘ on one of Denmark’s national radio stations, Radio 4. They zoomed in on the state of open public data in Denmark and how it compares to other countries. Specifically […] Read More…

Panels at Internet Week Denmark and Folkemødet 2015

    In June I took part in two interesting panel discussions. One was part of the annual Internet Week Denmark conference, which ran for several days in Aarhus in the beginning of June – and the other was at the rapidly growing Folkemødet (“People’s Meeting”) festival for politics and societal debate. For Internet Week I had been […] Read More…

Contributing to the new Open Data Handbook

    The Open Data Handbook, published by Open Knowledge (Foundation) a couple of years ago, has been a popular primer for everyone wanting to be introduced to the term in general as well as a resource for more experienced professionals in the field. However, as the development and application of open data keeps making quantum leaps […] Read More…

Joining the Open Knowledge Foundation team

. . It is with great joy that I can announce that as of January 14, 2013, I am officially part of the Open Knowledge Foundation team. I will be working with community management within two areas; Open Government Data and the global community of Local Groups. Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) is officially described as […] Read More…

Inspirational talk for think tank – on virtuality and interaction

Earlier today I did a presentation for a large think tank established by the regional government to discuss the long term durability of the huge new university hospital to be build in Aalborg from 2013-2020, a 4 billion Danish kroner project. I chose to talk about virtuality and interaction, bits vs. atoms, open data/frameworks and […] Read More…