This week I was asked to give a statement on behalf of Open Knowledge Denmark, of which I am a volunteer, in a program called 'Kraniebrud' on one of Denmark's national radio stations, Radio 4. They zoomed in on the state of open public data in Denmark and how it compares to other countries. Specifically as seen by looking at Open Knowledge Foundation's Global Open Data Index, which I helped craft a few years back, and how to interpret Denmark's current position at #11.
In short, my take is that Denmark has been doing well historically, but it is clear that we're heading downwards on the list. The highest position we've achieved was #2 a few years back. The reason for the decline is probably two-fold: That our efforts have stalled a bit from resting too much on our laurels, and secondly, those other high-ranking countries are simply moving faster forward. So there is work to be done, and I give some examples in the interview.
Stream the program here (in Danish), the whole program is really worth a listen. They also talk to Morten Lind, who is a consultant at Septima and former senior consultant at Kort- & Matrikelstyrelsen (Danish Geodata Institute) and Morten Thaarup, Department Director for Data and Councelling at DMI (Danish Meteorological Institute).
I go on at around 38 minutes. You can catch a local copy of my snippet.