With Christian Bason, CEO of Danish Design Centre, I have had the pleasure of writing and contributing an essay to the new anthology “Ethics at Work: Dilemmas of the Near Future and How Your Organisation Can Solve Them”, edited by Singularity U Nordic co-founder Kris Østergaard, who now also heads up Re:Humanize Institute here in Copenhagen.
In Kris’ words:
“In the book, 30 global thought-leaders share their perspectives on what organizations need to be particularly aware of and how they can move more responsibly into the future.”
The anthology comes out on Rehumanize Publishing, a new imprint, which enables Kris and his team to make the book a non-profit project, where all proceeds go to ethics awareness activities. Moreover, the imprint is set up to ensure that all contributors maintain ownership of their contributions. This means you can read our article on Medium also.
Airbnb’s former Chief Ethics Officer, Rob Chesnut, calls the book “a rich buffet of short essays on business ethics from the leading global thinkers in this field. A terrific collection”.
Buy the book here: shorturl.at/dyCS2
PS: I am not a fan of Amazon, but couldn’t help feeling pleased on Kris’ behalf by seeing the book become a #1 new release on Amazon upon the day after release.