Interviewing leading voices in architecture and design

Interviewing Ulla Sommerfelt, CEO EGGS Design

What digital skills and competencies will designers and architects need to master in the future?

This is the query for a series of five interviews with leading voices from the industry I have had the pleasure of conducting with Claus Qvistgaard and Per Henriksen from the Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, Design & Conservation.

Key insights from the conversations will be edited into a series of short films that aim to inspire – and maybe provoke – students and faculty at the academy.

Big thanks to Ulla Sommerfelt (image) of EGGS Design, Kasper Pilemand from Dorte Mandrup Architects, Lise Ræder Knudsen from Konserveringscenter Vejle, Camilla Richter-Friis van Deurs Deurs from Københavns Kommune and Mads Quistgaard from Urgent.Agency.

#design #architecture #digital #future #students #students #conservation

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