Monthly Archives January 2012

Another P3 Interview – this time on the Megaupload closing (w. audio-file) / #net_neutrality

  For the second time last week I was asked to appear for a comment in Danish national radio DR P3’s “Pressen” program (Friday Jan 20 2012). This time they were discussing FBI’s forced close-down of online locker-service Megaupload. Naturally, I expressed the dire concern among proponents of the open web, that these kind of […] Read More…

Interview in national radio DR P3 about SOPA (w. audio link) // #sopa #net_neutrality

    Wednesday this week I was interviewed on Danish national radio DR P3 in the afternoon program P3 Pressen about the SOPA shenanigans going on in the US right now. The interview is approx 4 minutes and you can hear it here. SOPA is a draconian law being passed through congress in the US […] Read More…

Creating a vision statement for Platform4: Background thoughts and a step-by-step guide // #platform4dk #experiment

    After an inspring weekend session, I just did a contemplative write-up about our current efforts in Platform4 to craft a vision statement after almost four years of heavy experimentation with organization, user-involvement, activism, entrepreneurship and do-it-yourself spirit. If you’re into such things, I am sure you’ll find it quite entertaining. Here’s an excerpt: […] Read More…

Interview in Have Backstage magazine // #culture #art #opinion

Just before christmas I was interviewed by the editors of online magazine Have Backstage; an interesting spin-off of Copenhagen-based pr and communication agency Have PR & Kommunikation. The article has now been published. The interview was part of a series of interviews with Danish entrepreneurs on the alternative cultural scene and focused on the opportunities […] Read More…

Platform4 interview in Kulturformidleren magazine // #platform4 #culture #aalborg

In these early days of 2012 the latest issue of online culture magazine Kulturformidleren was released, featuring a little interview with me contemplating the recent season (2011) in Platform4. Read the article here (click to page 14) (Danish only, sorry). Also check out and support the Kulturformidleren blog, true grassroots cultural appreciation and labour. Read More…