In these early days of 2012 the latest issue of online culture magazine Kulturformidleren was released, featuring a little interview with me contemplating the recent season (2011) in Platform4. Read the article here (click to page 14) (Danish only, sorry). Also check out and support the Kulturformidleren blog, true grassroots cultural appreciation and labour. Read More…
Current location
of is Copenhagen, Denmark.
Previous locations:
2013 -> Copenhagen
2010-2012 - Aalborg (Denmark)
2009-2010 - Berlin - read blog.
2008-2009 - Aalborg (Denmark)
2007-2008 - New York - read blog 1 + blog 2.
2005-2007 - Aalborg (Denmark)
2005 - Chicago - read blog.
-> 2005 - Aalborg (Denmark)Content licence