With my projects and work, I am often asked to do talks in both Denmark and abroad; often at conferences and seminars, where I talk about technology, design, experimentation, and open source innovation.
2024-APR-19 - Forskningens Døgn Åbningsevent @ Art Maze, Copenhagen - Denmark (event)
AI-operator in rap battle: Per Vers vs. ChatGPT - w/ Per Vers, Kristian Leth, Pernille Rosendahl, Peter Vuust, Danmarks Underholdningsorkester and Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm
2024-APR-8-10 - Digital Dissimination workshop @ Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen - Denmark (event)
Workshop facilitator - w/ Michael Edson, Museum of Solutions - Shannon Darrough, Nasjonalmuseet Oslo - Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm, ARTificial - Merete Sanderhoff, SMK - Jacob Ion Wille, Royal Academy
2024-MAR-18 - mBrane Forum Conference @ Town Hall, Malmoe - Sweden (event)
Facilitator of AI future scenario workshop.
2024-JAN-18 - Have Kommunikation, Copenhagen - Denmark (event)
AI-operator in main stage live AI-roleplaying game - w/ Matias Seidler, KHORA
2023-OCT-03 - Digital Day @ Park, Copenhagen - Denmark (event)
Keynote: Digitalisering: Hvor står restaurationsbranchen i dag, og hvor er vi på vej hen?
Panel moderation: Paneldebat med fokus på Tech - w/ Christian Brauner, Servicelovers - Mike Zeuch Poulsen, Wolt - Kristian Emil Larsen, Workfeed - Niels Hangaard, Heaps Digital Ventures - Peter Bodskov, MyLoyal - Lucas Louis Ritlov, SameSystem - Peter Thygesen, DinnerBooking - Julie Maja Nielsen, DigiMatcher - Espen Torpe Jørgensen, Nets Group
2023-SEP-29 - Grasp Festival @ Musicon, Roskilde - Denmark (event)
Keynote: Hvordan skaber vi "det gode cirkulære samfund"?
2023-APR-12 - Up&Next: New ideas are calling @ Centralværkstedet, Aarhus - Denmark (event)
Event host - interviewing Natasha Friis Saxberg, Per Vers, Ditte Ejlerskov, Allan Aagaard, Matias Seidler, and many more TBA.
2023-MAR-16/17 - Continuous Shift Symposium: Insights on the development of contemporary art and technology, Kristianstad - Sweden (event)
Event host - interviewing Stina Gustavsson, Diana Valesco, Edi Muka, Linn Hübenette, Jack Addis, Anne Schwanz, Regina Harsanyi, Ida Kvetny, Arvida Byström, Stina Deja, Marie Munk, and Rebecka Nilsson.
2023-FEB-23 - The Rant book launch, Copenhagen - Denmark (event)
Moderator: “Themes from The Rant, including books on blockchain, and a token to allow readers to co-write books" - with Majken Overgaard & Ditte Ejlerskov.
2022-NOV-17 - Kolding Kommune Direktørsmøde, Kolding - Denmark
Talk: “Digitale teknologier, som kommer til at forme vores fremtid" - with Christina Melander, Danish Design Centre.
2022-NOV-14 - a/nordi/c: A Curated Conversation, Helsinki/Espoo - Finland
Talk: “Digital Ambivalence" - with artist Kristoffer Ørum.
2022-OCT-26 - Digital Tech Summit, Copenhagen - Denmark (event)
Judge: “Student startup hackathon" - with Hub for Innovation in Tourism, Lasse Chor (Happy 42) & Jarle Fink Kondrup (Innovation Lab).
2022-SEP-15 - TechBBQ 2022, Copenhagen - Denmark (event)
Panel moderation: “Is tourism the new golden land for tech-startups?" - with Hub for Innovation in Tourism, Majken Overgaard (Catch), Anders Boelskifte Mogensen (Founderment) & Therkel Sand Therkelsen (Realitet.io).
2022-SEP-14 - Udviklingskonferencen: Mulighedernes Sjælland, Holbæk - Denmark (event)
Talk: “Fem teknologier, der former fremtiden for Sjælland og øerne."
2022-AUG-26 - Kulturmødet, Mors - Denmark (event, English version)
Talk: “Kunstnerisk frihed - hvad er der på spil?" - with Clement Kjærsgaard (Danish National Radio), Anni Syrjäläinen (Nordisk Kulturfond), Camilla Mordhorst (Dansk Kulturinstitut), Eline Sigfusson (a/nordi/c) & Khaled Barakeh (artist & activist).
2022-MAY-19 - Wonderful Copenhagen, Copenhagen (internal seminar)
Talk: “Digitale tendenser og deres betydning for fremtidens forretningsudvikling indenfor kultur- og oplevelsesbranchen" - with Runa Sabroe (Wonderful Copenhagen).
2022-APR-08 - CopenX Realities 2022 @ Børsen, Copenhagen (event)
Moderator: “The Metaverse and NFTs" - with Rune Brink Hansen (digital artist).
Moderator: “Immersive art & performance (in the Metaverse)" - with Jakob la Cour (digital immersive artist).
2022-FEB-17 - Serviceøkonom-class @ Copenhagen Business Academy @ online
Presentation: “Designtænkning i praksis: 3 cases" - with Nille Presskorn (CPH Business Academy).
2021-DEC-07 - Sprint:Digital Afslutningskonference @ DI/Dansk Industri, Copenhagen (event)
Event host: “Design og digitalisering hører uløseligt sammen" - with Jake Knapp (author, "Sprint"), Christian Bason (Danish Design Centre) and more.
2021-MAY-27 - Webinar: Schneider AutomationsForum @ online
Speaker: "Hvad betyder open source for fremtidens produktions- og automationsmiljø?" - with Thomas Träger (Schneider Electric Nordic), Ólavur K. Olsen (El-service).
2021-JAN-18 - Webinar: Open Hardware Future Talks @ online (event)
Speaker: "What are the perspectives for open source hardware production?" - with Robert Mies (TU Berlin), Jean-Francois Boujut (University of Grenoble) & Katrine Hertz Mortensen (Danish Design Centre) (recording stream, recording local file).
2020-DEC-18 - Webinar: Hvordan udvikler vi etisk teknologi? @ online (event)
Speaker: "Hvad er det digitale etikkompas?" - with Christina Melander, Danish Design Centre.
2020-NOV-16 - Webinar: SDG Digital Summit @ online (DK) (event)
Moderator: "Skalér din virksomhed med digitalisering og bæredygtighed" - with Steen Hildebrandt (Aarhus University) & Peter Svarre (consultant, author) (recording).
2020-JUN-15 - AI Monday Copenhagen @ online (DK) (event)
Co-host: "The world is adapting AI too slowly" (four presentations by Softbank Robotics, Orangebooks.co, Lantmännen Unibake & Easysize).
2020-APR-20 - AI Monday Copenhagen @ online (DK) (event)
Co-host: "The world is adapting AI too slowly" (four presentations by Develop Diverse, SupWiz and Whispr AI).
2020-FEB-17 - AI Monday Copenhagen @ Danish Design Centre, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Speaker: "Designing a AI ethics compas?" & co-host/moderator of three presentations and panel discussion by Mærsk, Nordea and IT Branchen).
2020-JAN-29 - Experimentation by Design @ BLOX, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Moderator/co-host: "Designing future scenarios for: MOVE/mobility".
2019-DEC-05 - Imagining Digital Infrastructures @ IT University, Copenhagen (DK)
Talk: "Blockchain and the decentralization of the Internet" w/ James McQuire, ITU + Henrik Børling, Rittal.
2019-DEC-03-04 - OPENNEXT workshop @ Fiction Factory, Amsterdam (NL)
Workshop host: "OPENNEXT WP4-WP5 workshop" w/ Oskar Stokholm Østergaard, DDC.
2019-NOV-29 - SMK/Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
On-stage-interview: "Hvad betyder fri kunst for samfundet?" w/ Merete Sanderhoff, SMK.
2019-NOV-05 - Dansk Industri, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Event host: "SDG Digital Summit" w/ Lars Frelle, DI - Christian Bason, DDC - Steen Hildebrandt, Aarhus University - Tim Frank Andersen, Charlie Tango.
2019-OCT-23 - Creativity World Forum, Eindhoven (NL) (event)
Workshop host: "Platform Ecosystem Design Workshop" w/ Brian Frandsen.
2019-SEP-05 - Techfestival, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Host: "Public Data Summit: Tackling climate change with public data" w/ co-host Benjamin Tincq + speakers: Camilla Rygaard-Hjalsted, Digital Hub Denmark - Martin von Haller Grønbæk, Bird & Bird - Kiann Stenkjær Hein, PUBLIC.io - Olivier Corradi, Tomorrow - Tomer Shalit, ClimateView - Anne Højer Simonsen, DMI/Danish Meteorological Institute.
2019-SEP-04 - Danish Design Centre, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Host: "Distributed Design Award" w/ Kate Armstrong, Fablab BCN - Mariano Alessandro, INDEX Project - Asger Rasmussen, UNDERBROEN/CPH Maker.
2019-JUN-25 - Open Data DK Årsmøde, Aarhus (DK) (event)
Talk: "Med åbne data skal velfærdssamfund bygges".
2019-JUN-25 - Open Data DK Årsmøde, Aarhus (DK) (event)
Talk: "Åbne data - hvor skal vi hen, du?".
2019-JUN-13 - Danish Design Centre, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Moderator/host: "Boglancering af bogen Kollaboration: Vejen til åben forskning og åben innovation" w/ Alfred Birkegaard, David Budtz Pedersen, Kristian Martiny, Jakob Wested.
2019-JUN-11 - Danish Design Centre, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Meetup host: "Science Fiction: Redskabet til at navigere i en digital fremtid" w/ Ann Rosenberg, SAP Next-Gen.
2019-JUN-09 - Respond Festival, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Panel (moderator): "Distributed design: The future of value creation?" w/ Tristan Copley Smith, Open Source Beehives + Stine Broen Christensen, Maker + Troels Plenge, WEB3/ETH Copenhagen + Marie Gørvild, Techfestival + Rasmus Bjerngaard, NextFood.
+ host of 'Distributed Design'-track (program).
2019-JUN-09 - Design AM/Danish Design Centre, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk+panel: "Designing radical technology" w/ Cyrus Clarke, CIID + Mike Brandt, 33A + Katrine Hertz Mortensen, Danish Design Centre (moderator).
2019-MAY-28 - Innovation Roundtable (webinar/no event link)
Talk: "Is the future of hardware open source? How to experiment with open source business models for hardware and physical products" (slides)
2019-MAY-22 - Prix BLOXHUB Interactive, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Panel: "The open city: How can we enable the development of digital policies and software for public purposes?" w/ Indy Johar, Dark Matter Lab + Helle Søholt, Gehl + Ben Cerveny, Public Code + Rasmus Rune Nielsen, Andel. (slides)
2019-MAY-09 - Internet Week Denmark, Aarhus (DK) (event)
Talk: "Design af fremtidens offentlige digitale services" w/ Peter Baeck, NESTA.
2019-MAY-02 - Gentænk Velfærden 2019, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Digitale potentialer" - alongside Mette Margrethe Elf/Realdania, Eva Sørensen/Roskilde University, Mathias Bruhn Lohmann/Socialt Udviklingscenter SUS.
2019-APR-30 - OS2 Årsmøde, Middelfart (DK) (event)
Talk: "At lave forretning på open source" - alongside Asger Laursen/Novicell, Claus Wegener Kofoed/Region Midtjylland.
2019-APR-12 - Ekstra Bladets SXSW 2019 Take-aways, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Science Fiction som fremtidskompas" - alongside Manita Dosanjh, LEO Innovation Lab + Nicolai Nybo Hansson, TV2 + Keld Reinicke, CPH Transform + more.
2019-APR-12 - DDC40 Unconference, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Unconference (host): "Shaping the next 40 years of Danish Design" w. Brian Frandsen, Danish Design Centre.
2019-APR-11 - Burning Man European Summit, Aarhus (DK) (event)
Workshop: "Is Future Value-Creation Distributed, Decentralized and Open Source?" (description).
2019-APR-03 - Executive Digital Exchange, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Panel (moderator): "Meet the X-labs" w/ Natasha Friis Saxberg, Foundation for Social Responsibility + Sead Bajrovic, Grundfos + Brooke Nicole Conley, Kammeradvokaten.
2019-APR-02 - Robotklyngen/Teknologisk Institut, Odense (DK) (event)
Talk: "Is future manufacturing open source?" - alongside Kirsten Kjær Skott+Daniel Ginge Andersen/Patent- og Varemærkestyrelsen, Christian Nielsen+Christian Espersen, AWA Denmark.
2019-MAR-28 - Etherum/Web3 Townhall #1, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Panel: "Bringing the Community Together" w/ Troels Plenge, WeOU + Rune Christensen, MakerDAO + Edward Thomson, Web3 Foundation + Tina Ryoon, IDA + Martin von Haller Grønbæk, Bird & Bird.
2019-MAR-18 - SXSW 2019 Post-event, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Takeaways fra SXSW 2019" (slides) w/ Tim Frank Andersen, Charlie Tango + Miriam Plon Sauer, AKQA + Mads Elleberg Petersen, e-Types.
2019-JAN-24 - Copenhagen Hardware Alliance meetup, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Is future manufacturing open source?" w/ Jarl Vindnæs, Stykka + Zoran Velkoski, TekPartner.
2018-DEC-04 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology/MIT Innovation Lab, Cambridge (US)
Talk: "Is future manufacturing open source?" w/ Eric von Hippel, MIT Sloan School of Management + Michael Weinberg, NYU + Stefan Thomke, Harvard Business School + others.
2018-NOV-15 - Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Is software eating the world?" w/ Anna Vallgårda, ITU + Martin Tamke, CITA + Martin Sønderlev Christensen, KADK
2018-NOV-05 - Designing Open Business, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Designing the business models of the future" + Workshop: "Introducing the REMODEL Toolkit"
2018-JUL-13 - Fab City Global Summit, Paris (FR) (event)
Talk: "How to use strategic design to build the open source hardware business models of the future?" w/ Christina Rebel, Wikifactory + Karen van der Moolen, WAAG + Abhishek BALI, 3DEXPERIENCE LAB + Lu Yen Roloff , Make Smthng + Julie Colin, CivicWise
2018-JUL-12 - Fab City Lab, Paris (FR) (event)
Talk: "Local Manufacturing and Industry 4.0" w/ Made in Paris + Usine IO (Paris), Manufattura Milano.
2018-MAR-12 - SXSW Interactive, Austin (US) (event)
Talk: "Open Source Innovation: The Internet on your Team"
2018-MAR-06 - UNDP staff retreat, Istanbul (TU) (virtual presentation) (no link)
Talk: "Design as strategic tool: How strategic design is key to creating rapid innovation in your organization"
2017-SEP-09 - Copenhagen Maker Festival, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Fab City - Locally productive, globally connected cities" (program, video recording)
2017-SEP-08 - Fab City Global Summit, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Host: "Is future production distributed, circular and digital?"
2017-SEP-07 - Tech Festival, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Fireside chat/interview w/ Tomas Diez: "Possible Future Cities"
2017-JUN-08 - Danmarks Rederiforening, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Designing Digital Futures: Tackling disruption with strategic design"
2017-MAY-18 - Kulturværftet, Elsinore (DK) (event)
Talk: "What is a Fab City?"
2017-MAY-16 - NESTA, London (UK) (event)
Panel: "The future of digital social innovation" w/ Julian Ranger/Digi.me, Beatrice Karol Burks/Good Things Foundation (recorded video stream, from 6h 55m - or local rip)
Panel: "Sustainability and business models of digital social innovation project" w/ Zoe Romano/WeMake, Mark Cridge/MySociety, Serena Cangiano/SUPSI, Anna Hyde/Bethnal Green Ventures.
2017-APR-28 - Creative Commons Global Summit, Toronto (CA) (event)
Panel: "Share or Die: Is Future Manufacturing Open Source?" w/ Bram Geenen/Wevolver, Benjamin Tinqc/OuiShare, Runa Sabroe/Danish Design Centre.
2017-MAR-11 - SXSW Interactive, Austin (US) (event, event)
Panel: "Share or Die: Is Future Manufacturing Open Source?" w/ Bram Geenen/Wevolver, Benjamin Tinqc/OuiShare, Runa Sabroe/Danish Design Centre (audio recording).
2017-MAR-7 - Bloomberg Aspen Initiative for Autonomous Vehicles convening, New York (US)
Talk: "Accessible cities" w/ Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo/World Bank, Brion Oaks/City of Austin.
2016-NOV-15 - Smart City Expo & World Congress, Barcelona (ES) (event)
Panel: "Disruptive Technologies Transforming Cities" w/ John Biggs/TechCrunch, Tomas Diez/Fabcity, Victor Mulas/World Bank, David Andrés/Sharge.io (video).
2016-OCT-24 - Citylab, Miami (US) (event)
Workshop: "Crash course: How to use a Danish-style design approach in city management" (slides).
2016-OCT-07 - Make It Happen: Design Smart Products, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Moderator: "Camp Fire Chats: Production - how to develop hardware products?".
2016-JUN-09 - UNDERBROEN, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "How to design open source-driven business models for manufacturing".
2015-AUG-25 - Delta Lab / DnA Club, Hørsholm (DK) (event)
Talk: "Open source hardware and innovation through knowledge sharing".
2015-JUN-13 - Folkemødet, Svaneke (DK) (event, program)
Panel: "Digitisation of culture" w. Merete Sanderhof, Michel Sten-Hansen.
2015-JUN-02 - Internet Week, Aarhus (DK) (event, newsletter)
Panel: "Themes in Open Data" w. Cathrine Lippert, Simon Bentholm, Bo Fristed, Anne Nygaard.
2015-MAY-01/02 - GO Open Data conference, Toronto (CA) (event, poster)
Keynote: "Getting citizens involved in open data" (slides)
Ignite talk: "Open Data 101" (slides)
2015-APR-23 - Fehmarnbelt conference, Aschberg (DE) (event)
Talk: "A fairytale from the Internet: The story of Tone and Uhrlaut Records"
2014-NOV-06 - Tagtomat, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons"
2014-SEP-19 - Aarhus Stadsarkiv, Aarhus (DK) (event)
Talk: "Open Data and Open Licensing" (slides)
2014-JUL-17 - OKFestival, Berlin (DE) (event)
Workshop: "Open Design Definition workshop" w. Peter Troxler, Sanna Marttila.
2014-JUL-15 - OKFestival, Berlin (DE) (event)
Workshop: "Community Summit" w. Katelyn Rogers, Heather Leson, Rayna Stambolyiska, Kersti Wissenbach.
2014-MAY-26 - DR2 Dokumania / Den Sorte Diamant, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Panel: "DR2 Dokumania: 'Internet's Own Boy' premiere" w. Pernille Tranberg, Vincent Hendricks, Pernille Drost.
2014-MAY-17 - Click Festival, Helsinore (DK) (event / FB)
Workshop: "Cryptoparty" w. Henrik Chulu
2014-MAY-17 - Click Festival, Helsinore (DK) (event / FB)
Workshop: "Data Expedition" w. Niels Erik Buhl-Rasmussen
2014-APR-09 - CPH PIX Film Festival, Copenhagen (DK) (event / FB)
Panel: "Ret til rettigheder? Musik i Film"
2014-MAR-31 - Multimedielærerforeningens Årsmøde, Middelfart (DK) (event)
Talk: "Open as mindset - and open data as resource" (slides)
2014-MAR-18 - IT Days, Aarhus (DK) (event)
Talk: "Open as mindset - and open data as resource" (slides)
2013-OCT-31 - Open Government Partnership Summit, London (UK) (event)
Talk: "Open Data Index - Assessing the state of open government data around the world" (slides)
Talk: "An introduction to the Global Open Data Initiative" (w. Sander van der Waal)
2013-OCT-29 - Open Data Meetup, London (UK) (event)
Talk: "Open Data Index - Assessing the state of open government data around the world" (slides)
2013-OCT-10 - Print Your Life 3D-printer Festival, Aalborg (DK) (event)
Talk: "Open data: Changing the world mindset" (slides)
2013-SEP-19 - Open Knowledge Conference, Geneva (CH) (event)
Moderator: "Opening up the United Nations"
w/ Mark Cardwell (UN), Victoria Vlad (Expert Grup), Milica Begovic (UNDP) + others
2013-SEP-17 - Open Knowledge Conference, Geneva (CH) (event)
Moderator: "Open Data Toolkits & Assessment Tools" (stream video, local)
w/ Amparo Ballivian (World Bank), Tim Davies (Web Foundation), Barbara Ubaldi (OECD) + others
2013-SEP-16 - Open Knowledge Conference, Geneva (CH) (event)
Talk: "Open Data Census Workshop" (slides)(stream video, local)
w/ Ton Zijlstra
2013-MAY-30 - Open Government Partnership conference, Mombasa (KE) (event)
Panel: "How do we create demand for open government data?"
w/ Muchiri Nyaggah, Open Institute - Jason Braganza, JRB Consult.
2013-MAY-15 - HOMER conference, Sevilla (ES) (event)
Talk: "Open Government Data" (stream video, local)
2013-MAY-01 - OuiShare Festival, Paris (FR) (event)
Panel: "Creative Networked Communities" (stream video, local)
w/ Nadia El-Imam, Edgeryders - Christian Vanizette, MakeSense - Henri Laupmaa, Let's Do It World - Antonin Leonárd, OuiShare
2013-MAY-01 - OuiShare Festival, Paris (FR) (event)
Panel: "Open Government Data: What, how, why?" (stream video, local)
w/ Kat Borlongan, OKFN Local Group France - Romain Lacombe, Etalab - Simon Perdrisat, Democratie Ouverte
2013-APR-10 - European Data Forum 2013, Dublin (IR) (event)
Talk: "PublicData.eu - one-stop shop for Europe's open government data" (stream, local) (slides)
w/ Sander van der Waal, OKFN
2013-MAR-27 - LOD Webinar series (online) (event)
Talk: "PublicData.eu and CKAN demonstration" (watch screen cast, slides)
w/ Sander van der Waal and Irina Bolychevsky, OKFN
2013-MAR-24 - LOD Plenary, Amsterdam (NL) (event)
Talk: "PublicData.eu - one-stop shop for Europe's open government data" (photo stream)
w/ Sander van der Waal, OKFN
2013-MAR-09 - Open Source Days 2013, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Open government data: What, why, how?"
2013-MAR-08 - Foraarsmessen, Aalborg (DK) (event)
Talk: "Thoughts on entrepreneurship"
2012-NOV-21 - Print Your Life: 3D-printer Festival for Everyone, Aalborg (DK) (event)
Talk: "Share your creativity with the world; Introduction to Creative Commons"
2012-SEP-20 - Open Knowledge Festival, Helsinki (FI) (event)
Talk: "An introduction to open licensing by Creative Commons"
2012-AUG-23 - Campus Party Conference, Berlin (DE) (event)
Panel: "Digital intellectual property" (stream video, local)
w/ Anke Domscheit-Berg, Germany Pirate Party (DE) - Paul Brigner, Internet Society (US)
2012-AUG-22 - Campus Party Conference, Berlin (DE) (event)
Talk: "Please copy this records to all of your friends" (stream video, local)
2012-AUG-22 - Campus Party Conference, Berlin (DE) (event)
Panel: "The art piece in the age of digital reproduction" (stream video, local)
w/ Matthew Gingold (AUS), Nela Brown (UK)
2012-MAY-02 - Katedralskolen, Aalborg (DK)
Talk: "Counterculture in Berlin"
2012-MAR-21 - Kosmopol, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Platform4: Bridges between municipalities and creative entrepreneurs" (read article)
2012-MAR-20 - Aalborg University, Aalborg (DK)
Talk: "Counterculture and music in Berlin" (read article)
2012-MAR-20 - MultiMediaDays @ Aarhus Business Academy, Aarhus (DK) (event)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons licensing + Uhrlaut case study"
2012-MAR-10 - Open Source Days, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Strategies of openness; How Open can change society - if we let it"
w/ Henrik Chulu, Bitbureauet
2012-MAR-08 - KODA/CC: Some Rights Reserved Sessions, Aarhus (DK) (event)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons licensing"
Talk: "Please copy this record to all of your friends"
2012-MAR-07 - KODA/CC: Some Rights Reserved Sessions, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons licensing"
Talk: "Please copy this record to all of your friends"
2011-NOV-01 - Tech Talk Tuesday @ Open Space Aarhus, Aarhus (DK) (event + poster)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons licensing"
2011-OCT-12 - "Onsdagsforelæsning" @ Aalborg University (event)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons + Uhrlaut case study"
2011-OCT-12 - Creative Commons Salon @ KarriereBar, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Event hosting - theme: "Creative Commons from bottoms up"
Talk: "CC Global Development - the gist from the recent Global Summit"
2011-OCT-06 - CKO/InVio event: Tablets and learning, Aalborg (DK) (event)
Talk: "Business-case: Please copy record to all of your friends"
Panel: "Business models for mobile media"
w/ Carsten Worsøe, Nordjyske - Claus Holmen, Open Experience - Sune Gudiksen, AAU
2011-OCT-05 - MultiMediaDays @ Aarhus Business Academy, Aarhus (DK) (event)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons licensing"
2011-SEP-22 - Move Fast, Break Things hacklab @ IT University, Cph (DK) (event)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons licensing and open culture" + discussion (video local)
w/ Michel Bauwens, P2P Foundation
2011-SEP-18 - Creative Commons Global Summit, Warsaw (PL) (event)
Panel: "Collecting Societies Update" w/ Paul Keller, Kennisland Amsterdam
Workshop: "Working with volunteers" w/ Jay Yoon, CC Korea + Li Lujing, CC China
2011-SEP-09 - Future Meeting Hub @ Platform4, Aalborg (DK) (event)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons licensing"
2011-SEP-08 - Future Meeting Hub @ Platform4, Aalborg (DK) (event)
Talk: "The Platform4 Project: An introduction"
2011-JUN-06 - Nordic House, Torshavn (FO) (event)
Talk: "Please copy this record to all of your friends" (watch video)
2011-MAY-27 - Harddisken special broadcast @ SPOT Festival, Aarhus (DK) (event)
Talk + live radio interview: "Please copy this record to all your friends" (audio podcast)
2011-MAY-26 - Erhvervslederforum, Aalborg (DK)
Talk: "Update on the Platform4 and Shareplay projects"
2011-MAY-26 - Region Nordjylland seminar, Aalborg (DK)
Talk: "Interaction and virtuality"
2011-MAY-11 - Sound of Music @ Promus, Aarhus (DK) (info + event)
Panel: "Sound of Music, pitch & matchmaking"
2011-MAY-04 - Creative Commons Salon, Aarhus (DK) (event)
Event hosting - theme: "The future of money"
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons licensing"
2011-MAY-03 - Creative Commons Salon, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Event hosting - theme: "The future of money"
2011-MAR-08 - New Regional Hospital Think Tank, Aalborg (DK)
Talk: "Interactivity & virtuality: Atoms and bits" (see video)
2011-FEB-22 - Erhvervslederforum @ Copenhagen Municipality, Cph (DK) (event)
Talk: "Platform4: An experiment"
2011-FEB-06 - Demoteket @ Øbro/Jagtvej Bibliotek, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons licensing"
2010-NOV-16 - Aalborg Municipality session @ Nordkraft, Aalborg (DK)
Talk: "Aalborg as creative city"
2010-NOV-16 - Creative Commons Salon @ Caféteatret, Cph (DK) (event)
Event hosting - theme: "Business from sharing"
2010-NOV-11 - Copenhagen Municipality, Copenhagen (DK)
Talk: "Platform4: An experiment"
2010-NOV-06 - Free Society Conference (FSCONS), Gothenburg (SE) (event + event)
Talk: "Please copy this record to all of your friends"
2010-OCT-20 - Rotary Club, Aalborg (DK)
Talk: "Platform4: An experiment"
2010-OCT-14 - A Scream In The Dark 2 @ Ungdomshuset, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Talk: "Please copy this record to all of your friends" + "Introduction to CC licensing"
2010-OCT-13 - Kreativt Forum @ Copenhagen Municipality, Cph (DK) (event)
Talk: "Platform4: An experiment"
2010-SEP-21 - SXSW-workshop hosting @ ORA/Baghuset, Aalborg (DK) (poster)
Talk: "How to go to the SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas"
2010-SEP-20 - University College conference @ Platform4, Aalborg (DK)
Talk: "Platform4: An experiment"
2010-AUG-12 - Danish Rock Museum discussion @ Studenterhuset, Aalborg (DK)
Panel: "Before and now - music history in Aalborg" (read article)
w/ Jan Sneum, DK - Jens Larsen, Fristedet - Poul Krabbe, music photographer
2010-AUG-12 - Aalborg Industri- & Handelskammer, Aalborg (DK)
Talk: "Creativity in Aalborg: Platform4, Shareplay and more"
2010-AUG-10 - Krogerup Højskole, Humlebæk (DK)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons licensing + Please copy this record"
w/ Peter Schönning, IFPI Denmark
2010-JUN-15 - Danmarks Radio, Copenhagen (DK)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons licensing"
w/ Andreas Johannsen, Socialsquare
2010-JUN-10 - Lynfabrikken, Aarhus (DK) (event)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons licensing"
2010-MAY-10 - Biffen Art Cinema, Aalborg (DK) (event)
Talk: "Introduction to Creative Commons licensing"
2010-APR-27 - Café Din Nye Ven, Copenhagen (DK) (event)
Event hosting - theme: "Introducting Creative Commons licenses"
2010-FEB-12 - SAE Institute, Berlin (DE) (event)
Talk: "Please copy this record to all of your friends"
2008-FEB-13 - Aalborg University (DK)
Talk: "Art space interning in New York City - inspiration talk"
2006-SEP-01 - Aalborg University (DK)
Talk: "Introduction to AAU" (international student welcome)
Talk: "Aalborg Student Radio, an introduction"
2006-JUN-23 - Aalborg University (DK)
Talk: Dimissionstale / valedictorian speech, SIV class of 2003
2006-FEB-02 - Aalborg University (DK)
Talk: "Introduction to AAU" (international student welcome)
Talk: "Aalborg Student Radio, an introduction"