Tag Archives: Region Nordjylland

Doing inspiration talk + BizForum presentation

Today I am doing two talks: One inspirational talk for Region Nordjylland staff under my ‘Interaction and virtuality: Bits vs. atoms’ theme, and the other on a Platform4/Shareplay presentation for the Business Leader Forum (ErhvervslederForum). Especially the first one if fun, since I only rarely get hired to give non-project based talks – and that […] Read More…

Inspirational talk for think tank – on virtuality and interaction

Earlier today I did a presentation for a large think tank established by the regional government to discuss the long term durability of the huge new university hospital to be build in Aalborg from 2013-2020, a 4 billion Danish kroner project. I chose to talk about virtuality and interaction, bits vs. atoms, open data/frameworks and […] Read More…