Connecting the CPH & Hamburg regions: Fehmarnbelt workshop for cultural exchange



Last week I had the pleasure of being invited to participate alongside 35 talented artists, cultural entrepreneurs and civil servants in a workshop to discuss the cultural development of the Fehmarnbelt region (which covers the land area around the water between Germany and Denmark – including Copenhagen and Hamburg).  It was 48 hours of co-creations, brainstorms, performances, talks and much more.

The workshop built on the highly successful City Link Festival project, which is entering it’s second stage and started out as an extensive interncultural collaboration link between Copenhagen and Hamburg – and the region in between. A project started and driven by among other, an amazing collective that helps artists find temporary space in abandoned industrial complexes.

The workshop was very action-oriented and produced a series of concrete ideas and projects which the participants will now work on, including work space surfing programs, creating a new cross-regional festival for 2016 and building a network visualisation tool to make it easier for creatives in the region to find each other. During the program I also did an inspiration talk about my Uhrlaut label and it’s embrace of Internet culture to create platforms for artists.

Kudos to Steen from PB43, Carsten Rabe and Nina Wöhlk, who organized the event!


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