Becoming Danish Ambassador for EU Codeweek 2014 – don’t miss our network meeting



I’ve volunteered alongside a couple of colleagues from Open Knowledge Denmark (Niels Erik Kaaber Rasmussen) and Solobeta (Henrik Chulu and Christian Ingemann) as official Danish Ambassadors for EU Codeweek 2014 that takes place from October 11-17 2014.

The initiative was launched by Vice President of the European Commission Neelie Kroes’ Young Advisors with the support from DG Connect at the European Commission. Sounds fancier than it really is; the main idea is that an international network of Ambassadors covering all EU-countries evangelize around the benefits of teaching and learning code, and organize civil society to set up meetups around Europe during the week to introduce European citizens to coding and hopefully motivating them to pursue learning the skills even further.

As Ambassadors we’ll work to create attention around the initiative and try to get as many Danes as possible involved – either as event organizers or participants. We’ll also try to make connections with coding initiatives and communities already in existence and hopefully create some synergy. You can keep track of Danish events here, where we’ll be adding activities as we go along. We’ll also be collecting online Danish coding resources on this page.

Join the network meeting

Last, but not least, we’re inviting anyone with an interest in the topic to come to our Codeweek network meeting on October 13 @ 16.00-18.00 (in Datalogisk Institut, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 Copenhagen Ø) where we’ll try to connect some dots and potentially boot some sort of ongoing forum that can build on the Codeweek ideas. The network meeting is organized by Open Knowledge Denmark, Solobeta, Dansk IT, Dansk Energi, DI ITEK, IT-Branchen, Dansk Erhverv and DIKU.

POST-SCRIPT: During the Codeweek more than 3,000 events (!) took place across Europe, including 12 in Denmark – I’ve done a write-up on the official Codeweek blog to summarize the main Danish activities. At the network meeting we furthermore booted “Kodespejder”, a new forum and community around this topic that will hopefully grow over the coming months. Read more about that here.

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