Category Archive Travel

Arrived at Transmediale// #tm11 #berlin

I've now arrived at the Transmediale conference in Berlin, one of the highlights of the year for me. For the next 4 days I'll be curiously learning, meeting people and networking - as well as spreading the gospel on the topically relevant things that I am involved in - CrossMedia, Creative Commons, Platform4, Urlyd Audiovisual […] Read More…

What I shipped in 2010 – inspired by #sethgodin

Inspired by Seth Godin's blog post from December 30, in which he points out that it's a good exercise to sit down and look back on each year that passes and visualize to yourself what you managed to "ship" - that is, in Godin's terminology, what you managed to put into the world - including […] Read More…

Giving presentation for educational council Aalborg + co-hosting #creativecommons salon in CPH tonight

Busy day today. Plenty of meetings, a inspirational presentation for the educational board of Aalborg Municipality ("what can help students come to Aalborg - and stay there?") - and finally, heading for Copenhagen to co-host the second biannual CC Salon that this time features three really interesting speakers: Parker Higgins from Soundcloud in Berlin, Simon […] Read More…

Speaking at FSCONS in Sweden this week + attending CC gatherings and workshop // #fscons #creativecommons #urlyd #gothenburg

Later this week, I'll be heading to Gothenburg in Sweden for a bunch of really exciting activities. First, to meet up with the Creative Commons public project leads from the rest of Scandinavia to not only meet all at once for the first time, but also to discuss how we can enhance CC activities across […] Read More…

Giving presentation at A Scream In The Dark today #cph #creativecommons

A lot of travel between Copenhagen and Aalborg these days. Having just returned last night from Kreativt Forum, I will head back to Cph later today to give a presentation about sharing and Creative Commons at the A Scream In The Dark #2 festival which takes place at Ungdomshuset, organized by Red Tape Records. Join […] Read More…

Head on with Danish Antipiracy Group chairman in debate tonight #creativecommons

As the public project lead of Creative Commons Denmark, I am on my way to Krogerup Højskole to participate in a one-on-one session with Peter Schønning, attorney and chairman of the Danish Anti-Piracy Group (Antipiratgruppen). The theme of the debate is file sharing - and will be attended by the students of the school, who […] Read More…

Heading for Reykjavik #iceland

The time has almost come for me and girlfriend to be heading for Iceland for a few days of leisure time on the Atlantic ocean rock. We'll be driving and trekking all the way around the island as well as spending time in Reykjavik - it will be our first time there. And to be […] Read More…

CC Denmark in exciting Scandinavian initiative #creativecommons

I've just updated the Danish Creative Commons (CC) blog with info on a new and really exciting project that I will be taking active part in as the CC public project lead. It's titled 'Some Rights Reserved For Nordic Artists' and will take place all over Scandinavia from November 2010 to June 2011 and includes […] Read More…

The ‘Some Rights Reserved For Nordic Artists’ project #creativecommons #freeculture

I was recently invited to take part in a very interesting project titled 'Some Rights Reserved For Nordic Artists' (herein dubbed SRRNA). The project involves the Creative Commons (CC) project leads from all the Scandinavian countries and aims to bring knowledge about CC to nordic artists. In practice, it will run over the next year […] Read More…

Tone confirmed for SXSW #urlyd #sxsw

After a year of exciting ventures into Europe – with the international release of the Small Arm of Sea-album and several tours around Europe, Tone has now set sail to head west. In March, the duo and I will head for the prestigious SXSW Festival in Austin TX in the United States. Leading up until […] Read More…