A lot of travel between Copenhagen and Aalborg these days. Having just returned last night from Kreativt Forum, I will head back to Cph later today to give a presentation about sharing and Creative Commons at the A Scream In The Dark #2 festival which takes place at Ungdomshuset, organized by Red Tape Records. Join us if you’re in the neighborhood!
Current location
of autofunk.dk is Copenhagen, Denmark.
Previous locations:
2013 -> Copenhagen
2010-2012 - Aalborg (Denmark)
2009-2010 - Berlin - read blog.
2008-2009 - Aalborg (Denmark)
2007-2008 - New York - read blog 1 + blog 2.
2005-2007 - Aalborg (Denmark)
2005 - Chicago - read blog.
-> 2005 - Aalborg (Denmark)Content licence