Tag Archives: New York

Heading for New York and #SXSW

Today I am heading for New York to stay for the next week before heading on to SXSW in Austin with the electronic duo Tone from my small label Urlyd Audiovisual Recordings. They play a gig in New York before we leave; at Littlefield in Brooklyn on Friday March 12 – come out if you […] Read More…

Tone confirmed for SXSW #urlyd #sxsw

After a year of exciting ventures into Europe – with the international release of the Small Arm of Sea-album and several tours around Europe, Tone has now set sail to head west. In March, the duo and I will head for the prestigious SXSW Festival in Austin TX in the United States. Leading up until […] Read More…

Bought a share in the forthcoming Public Enemy album, boyeee

The greatest rap band in history, Public Enemy, is offering fans (that’s me) to support and fund their upcoming album via Sellaband.com, a site on which you can buy shares of USD 25 each and in return get a download as well as a tiny cut in any revenues the album might make. I don’t […] Read More…