Category Archive Aalborg

Back home in Denmark

After 6 months - that went by all too fast - I have now moved back to Denmark again, getting ready to hand in my master thesis on Friday (still a lot of work to before that). It was sad to leave Berlin and our nice apartment in Kreuzberg, but all things come to an […] Read More…

Me – famous? Interview in Prestize Magazine #prestize

Now this is s a bit fun: In this month's issue of Prestize, I am portrayed in a full page interview - and presented as "one of Aalborg's famous faces". Quite funny. The interview can be found in the online version of the magazine here.Now this is s a bit fun: In this month's issue […] Read More…

Representing the university in Berlin #aau #berlin

Just got a notice from Aalborg University that I again this year will be hired to represent the university at the annual Study World educational fair in Berlin in April - only this time on my own (last year we were four representatives, this year only one: Me). The purpose is to engage German students […] Read More…

Platform4 wins award #platform4 #aalborg

In the yearly Prestize Magazine Awards, held by Aalborg-based lifestyle-magazine Prestize, Platform4 (the art- and technology + co-working venue that I co-manage) was nominated in the 'Årets Ildsjæl' category, which translates roughly into something like 'Most passionate or dedicated project/person of the year'. To our great surprise, when the winners were announced on December 30, […] Read More…

Heading back to Denmark for the holidays

Oh sweet christmas time. Heading back to Denmark to spend christmas with my family - and party a little with old friends on the 25th. Will be back in Berlin on the 27th. Thanks to everyone with whom I've had fun, exciting, challenging and rewarding experiences with this year - look forward to see you […] Read More…

Platform4/Dubass coverage on national radio P4 website #platform4

The hardworking Dubass Crew that has been hosting the dubstep/drum'n'bass event series Dubass in Platform4 over the summer, is finally starting to get the recognition they deserve. Before tonight's massive banger of a lineup, featuring no other than UK-biggie COTTI as well as Aphone from Belgium, national radio is featuring an article that hightlights the […] Read More…

Apart Festival hype #Platform4

The Apart Audiovisual Festival, which I am co-hosting, is full on - tonight with a great lineup including ao. Xavier van Wersch (NL), Kuuduu (SF), Goodiepal (DK) and Rene Kirkegaard (DK). The festival runs for three days and ends late this Sunday morning. Check out these articles from leading Danish music mags Gaffa and Geiger […] Read More…

Apart Festival this weekend – video, music, installations and more #platform4

I am now back in Denmark to co-host the following weekend's big audiovisual bash in Platform4 in Aalborg. Three days of antics (music, video, installations etc.) centered around art and technology with a stunning lineup: Enjoy among other Jakob Kirkegaard (DK/DE), Goodiepal (DK), Xavier ven Wersch (NL)  - who will use test tubes and blood […] Read More…

Interview in Prestize Giga magazine #Aalborg

A few weeks ago I was interviewed as Platform4-representative alongside Anni G. Walther from the municipality. The interview was made by a writer from Prestize Giga, a new free culture magazine that is distributed in an amount of 400,000 pcs. to homes, cafes and public institutions in northern Denmark. The article focuses on the difference […] Read More…

Liquid Borderland – festival for liquid digital art – has started

Yesterday we started the Liquid Borderland festival in Platform4, which will run until next Saturday, Aug 29. With open workshops, lectures, jam-sessions and an hack-space LIB will provide a framework for collaboration, inspiration and development of ideas, concepts, methods, hardware, software, and the opportunity to form networks across geographical and professional boundaries, artistic activity and […] Read More…