Tag Archives: AAU

Did guest lecture @ Aalborg University today // #aau #cc #uhrlaut

I did a guest lecture today at Aalborg University as a part of the so-called Wednesday Lecture series. Quite fun. I did my signature Creative Commons+Uhrlaut/Urlyd talk, but extended to a 1,5 hour session. Thanks to those who attended! Read More…

Handed in master thesis #aau #ccg

Big Day for me today: Handed in my master thesis at the university, which means that the educational strain is now a finished chapter. Good feeling! No, strike that – GREAT feeling! Read More…

Representing the university in Berlin #aau #berlin

Just got a notice from Aalborg University that I again this year will be hired to represent the university at the annual Study World educational fair in Berlin in April – only this time on my own (last year we were four representatives, this year only one: Me). The purpose is to engage German students […] Read More…

Representing Aalborg University at Study World ’09

I have just been hired by my university, Aalborg University (AAU), to be part of a delegation of representatives that will host a stall at the forthcoming Study World ’09 education fair in Berlin. Here we will serve the audience with insightful info on a range of interesting fields of study offered at AAU, including […] Read More…