I am now back in Denmark to co-host the following weekend’s big audiovisual bash in Platform4 in Aalborg. Three days of antics (music, video, installations etc.) centered around art and technology with a stunning lineup: Enjoy among other Jakob Kirkegaard (DK/DE), Goodiepal (DK), Xavier ven Wersch (NL) – who will use test tubes and blood to manipulate sound – Heidi Mortenson (DK), AGF (DE), Niobe + Marc Matter (DE), Kuupuu (FIN) and Martin Hall & Tone (DK) – who is signed to my label Urlyd Audiovisual Recordings – and many more.
It all goes down this weekend – Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Buy tickets at Billetlugen.dk, in all FONA-stores across Denmark and at Cookie Factory in Aalborg.
Check it all out here and here.