We won the Artbeat Award!


Cultural minister Marianne Jelved, Christian Villum, Lina Bergstrøm and Thomas Petersen

Cultural minister Marianne Jelved, Christian Villum, Lina Bergstrøm and Thomas Petersen

Yesterday in a ceremony at Teater Grob in Copenhagen, we (Platform4) won the newly established Artbeat Award!

The award, which officially celebrates the best within Danish cultural dissemination and will be given to a project or a person within the cultural environment that has managed to combine something artistically new with forward looking communication, was handed to my colleague Thomas, volunteer Lina and myself (as a group on behalf of all of the Platform4 project) by the Danish cultural minister, Marianne Jelved.

Here is a little video report from the event:

Read the official announcement and the full report, which also elaborates a bit on the whole thing. Nordjyske did an article too, and we were interviewed by ANR Radio.

The reasoning

The reasoning from the jury was formulated like this (in Danish):

”Vi lever i en tid, hvor begreberne kreativitet og innovation bruges særdeles flittigt af både forskere, kulturaktører og politikere. Hvis nogen skulle være i tvivl om, hvad begreberne betyder, bør man så afgjort kaste et blik på Platform4, for her findes de i en sjældent konkret – ja, i en ligefrem håndgribelig form. Men én ting er at være kreativ og innovativ; en anden er samtidig at kunne formidle sine bedrifter, så genklangen, synligheden og den gensidige inspiration sikres – langt ud over projektets egne grænser og dets umiddelbare komfortzone. Det mestrer Platform4 på forbilledlig vis, og derfor skal de have Artbeat Prisen. Stort tillykke.”

Which translates into something like:

“We are living in a time, where concepts like creativity and innovation are used heavily by both scientists, cultural creators and politicians. If anyone should have doubts as to what these concepts mean, then they should look at Platform4, because here they are in a rarely concrete manifestation. But it’s one thing to be creative and innovative. Another thing is to be able to disseminate your accomplishments to the outside world, so that resonance, visibility and mutual inspiration is secured – way beyond the borders of the project itself and it’s close vicinity. This is an art mastered by Platform4 in a exemplary way, and therefore we want them to receive the Artbeat Award. A big congratulations.”

Wonderful community

For someone who doesn’t get very many awards (who does?) this is a proud moment. Especially proud to be part of this community of wonderful people who has invested time, effort and talent in making Platform4 what it is. What a wonderful time these last 5 years has been.


(Read the background)


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