Speaking at Open Source Days 2013 (Copenhagen) on Saturday and Foraarsmessen (Aalborg) Friday



I have two public speaking gigs lined up for this upcoming weekend.

On Saturday on the Open Source Days conference in Copenhagen, where I also spoke last year. This year I’ll give a talk titled ‘Open Government Data: What, why, how?‘ (16.30 on the Ernst & Young stage) as well as meetup up with a bunch of budding OKFN-community members to discuss making an OKFN Local Group in Denmark. Join us!

Update: There is now a blog post on the official Open Knowledge Foundation blog, made by co-organizer Codrina Illie, about the OSD conference (it has mention of my contribution too).

Friday I’ll be giving a brief talk in Aalborg Kongres & Kulturcenter during Foraarsmessen (“the spring conference”) about my thoughts on alternative entrepreneurship (on the New Bizz stage @ 13.00).

Open Source Days web – full programFacebook

Foraarsmessen web – full program


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