These next 9 days I'll be in Paris and Berlin to participate in two conferences: OuiShare (Paris) and Re:publica (Berlin) - as part of my community manager work with Open Knowledge Foundation.
At OuiShare I'll do two panels: The first titled "Open Government Data: What, how, why?", that - as the name states - discusses and the second "Creative Networked Communities", which looks at how it's now possible to organize activist and advocacy communities virtually, and what aims, values, organizational structures and online toolboxes are applied - as well as what economical sustainability issues and other challenges such communities face. Both panels take place today, Thursday.
Next, I'll head to Berlin for the Republica conference. Here I will not be giving talks, but simply networking and meeting up with my colleagues at OKF Germany - as well as others from my networks.
Please get in touch if you're there and want to meet up!