A couple of weeks back I co-organized the PRINT YOUR LIFE festival; a 3D-printing festival exploring the applications of this exciting new technology (and, in fact, the first 3D-printing festival ever in Scandinavia). For three consecutive weeks we had workskops, talks, debates and lots of designing and printing. Additionally, 8 people (myself included) made their own printer from Printrbot Jr. assembly kits.
Additionally, we had 10 students from The Royal Design Academy in Copenhagen come all the way to Aalborg to join us (and build an Ultimaker printer) and Jerry Juarez from FAT Labs came all the way from Sweden to host sessions and join the fun. We even had som people from LEGO drop by for sessions during the festival. All in all we were really happy with the outcome and of course all the attention.
I’ve just published a blog post on the Platform4 website where lots of photos, thoughts and a little flick can be seen (for convenience, the film can also be seen below).
3D Print Festival 2012 “Show and tell” from BrknRibVids on Vimeo.
Top photo by BrknRib