Tag Archives: festival

Great success for PRINT YOUR LIFE; our 3D-printer festival in Platform4 // #3Dprinting

. . A couple of weeks back I co-organized the PRINT YOUR LIFE festival; a 3D-printing festival exploring the applications of this exciting new technology (and, in fact, the first 3D-printing festival ever in Scandinavia). For three consecutive weeks we had workskops, talks, debates and lots of designing and printing. Additionally, 8 people (myself included) […] Read More…

Heading for Sonar Festival // #barcelona #electronica

Today I head for the famed Sonar Festival in Barcelona, my third time there – it’s such a great time, one of my favorite festivals in the world. Looking forward to hear ao. Four Tet and discover many new electronic music upcomers. Send me an email or a text if you’re there! Read More…