Okay, this is a bit weird. Some meetings are just so important that you need to attend them, even if it means going to another country. Tomorrow I have two of those, so I’ll be back in Denmark from tonight and 36 hours onwards. It’s a little strange to hit and run on your home town like that, because normally you would tell people and family that you’re back and maybe meet with some of them. But not this time, as I simply do not have the time for anything else than the meetings – since I have to get back to Berlin as soon as possible to continue writing on my thesis. Deadline is approaching fast. And furthermore, I’ll be moving back to Denmark in a month from now, so I guess it’s okay to make a quick visit without telling anyone. Right?
Current location
of autofunk.dk is Copenhagen, Denmark.
Previous locations:
2013 -> Copenhagen
2010-2012 - Aalborg (Denmark)
2009-2010 - Berlin - read blog.
2008-2009 - Aalborg (Denmark)
2007-2008 - New York - read blog 1 + blog 2.
2005-2007 - Aalborg (Denmark)
2005 - Chicago - read blog.
-> 2005 - Aalborg (Denmark)Content licence