Today I finally got around to actually attending one of the Likemind-sessions here in Berlin. Likemind is a simple, yet brilliant idea where a global dispersed network of local hosts across the world host café-sessions on select days which can be found on the website (the select days are the same for all chapters across the world). The sessions are open to anybody and basically serves to make people meet up to drink coffee and chat with likeminded people – which is especially great for people like me who just came to the city. In Berlin, the sessions are hosted by ao. Peter Bihr, whom I’ve also met at the Atom & Bits festival – and who also one of the people behind the upcoming TEDx Kreuzberg event (more about that later).
Today was interesting in more than one way, because it also included a presentation by the people behind the upcoming Transmediale summit – a festival for art and emerging technology – which takes place in early February ’10.