Received a newsletter-communication yesterday from Stanford University professor and copyright activist – and perhaps most notably former Creative Commons chief – Lawrence Lessig leading my attention towards the Creative Commons fundraiser taking place right now. The Commons are dependent on our funding – in order to continue their tireless efforts to offer a strong alternative to proprietary thinking.
“Please help us in this. Whatever you can give is important. (…) Do what you can. Get 6 friends to do the same. We’ve been depending on small donations long before America could spell “Obama.” And we depend upon those donations still.”
Please visit and support Creative Commons today.
Also, I recommend adding both Lessig’s news- and blogfeed to your rss-reader.
On a sidenote, another fave blog of mine, Open Media Review, also posted on this issue. While you are at it adding the Lessig-feeds, take this one too.
Last reference on this issue: Feel free to visit my own Creative Commons-licensed record label, Urlyd Records, and download the free music.
What is Creative Commons?
“Creative Commons defines the spectrum of possibilities between full copyright — all rights reserved — and the public domain — no rights reserved. Our licenses help you keep your copyright while inviting certain uses of your work — a “some rights reserved” copyright.” (from the CC website). Read more.