Chapter written for new #TagTomat book



This weekend TagTomat, a lovely Danish urban gardening project from the Nørrebro district in Copenhagen (where I live) secured funding for their scheduled book release by successfully completing a crowdfunding campaign (see more here). I’m contributing to the book by writing a chapter about links between urban gardening and Internet culture.

In general I am very excited about this project, which instructs inner-city citizens to build urban gardens in their courtyards – or rather, on the roofs of the buildings in their courtyards (TagTomat literally translates into “Roof Tomato”). The team behind it are knowledge sharing enthusiasts, and they’re currently working to convince the publishing house they’re talking with to let them release the book under Creative Commons license. Let’s hope they succeed.

More concretely I am actually contributing to the book by writing a chapter on the connection between theknowledge sharing you see around urban gardening and the sort of information sharing you see as part of Internet culture. Just today I finished my contribution and shipped it off to the TagTomat crea, and I hope to find time to translate it at post it here. In the meantime I strongly suggest you head on in and secure yourself a copy of the first print version, which is available through the crowdfunding page as pre-order:

Read more about the TagTomat project here (in Danish, mind you).


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