The new book by my friends and collaborators in Tagtomat is out, titled "Grow Like Tomorrow." I have been fortunate to contribute a bit with some writing.
Tagtomat was founded by entrepreneur Mads Boserup Lauritsen, and is a community and business for building sustainable cities by creating urban gardens and green spaces in inner-city settings.
The book is in Danish, and I have written a chapter for the book's section on building business. It is titled "Åbne forretningsmodeller som løftestang for fællesskabets vision" (which translates into "Open business models as levers for the community vision"). It zooms in on the importance of growing communities to consider scaling by building a business engine to supplement the volunteer dynamic. The important thing, of course, is to do so in a way that is fully aligned with the values and vision of the community and to do do so in a way that is fully transparent and in line with the aspirations of the people in the community. So in the article, I try to break down what you need to do and which examples you can look at for inspiration.
Check out the book in the Tagtomat webshop either as a free ebook or as a paper version (under an open license, CC BY-NC-SA). It is remarkably designed (by Rama Studio), comes in a whopping 288 pages, and is chock full of inspiration for any budding green-thumber.