This coming weekend the great 3-day new media event Click Festival takes place in the city of Helsinore, north of Copenhagen. The festival explores the intersection between technology, science, art and music and alongside a very interesting electronic music program (featuring among other Detroit electro duo Dopplereffekt, which I can hardly wait to hear), the playful and experimental exhibition and workshop program features a connection to the overall theme D.I.W.O. – Do It With Others, being collaborative and collective – and highlights contemporary and historical Internet culture around topics such as file sharing and hacking. As part of my involvement with Science Friction and Open Knowledge Denmark, as well as hanging around Bitbureauet, I’ll be contributing in different ways.
On Saturday I’ll co-host two workshops; first a Cryptoparty (from 12.30-14.30) in collaboration with Henrik Chulu and other friends from Bitbureauet – and right after co-host a Data Expedition (from 15.00-18.00) on behalf of Open Knowledge Denmark alongside Niels Erik Rasmussen. We’ve done a couple of blog posts describing this in little more detail here and here.
Additionally, throughout the festival, I’ve made a videoinstallation with Henrik Chulu titled ‘You Are The Target‘, where a loop of 25+ Creative Commons-licensed short films focusing on surveillance and privacy will (hopefully) educate the masses (see list here).
Read more detailed info here:
Cryptoparty: http://clickfestival.dk/program/cryptoparty
Data Expedition: http://clickfestival.dk/program/data-expedition (see also this description)
You Are The Target: http://clickfestival.dk/program/you-are-the-target (see film list here)
[Update: The Cryptoparty was actually recommended in Danish national newspaper Politiken.]