Yesterday was a big day for my small electronic music label, Urlyd Audiovisual Recordings, because the album ‘Small Arm of Sea’, that was released on the label in Denmark last year, came out in Germany, Austria, Switserland and the Netherlands through the Berlin-based PonyRec label.
So far, it is going far beyond expectations. The album has ao. been covered in the Netherlands’ biggest music mag, OOR, who writes in their recent print edition that Tone is a ‘real discovery’ and compares her to Billie Holiday (!). Also, the video for ‘I Am Long’ has been picked up by prime dutch music channel 3VOOR12 and is now in rotation alongside Moby, Múm, Editors and Arctic Monkeys, to name a few (!!). Among the many media platforms that are currently about to publish reviews are ao. the German De:bug – I am really looking forward to hear what they say about it.