As part of the data challenge that we (Danish Design Centre) have been putting together for Erhvervsstyrelsen (Danish Business Authority) in November and December under the title ‘Life Data Challenge‘, I’ve had the pleasure of co-developing a new tool that helps non-technical people take part in developing new solutions based on data. We call it the Data Ecosystem Mapping tool.
Life Data Challenge ran in November 2019 and focused on getting businesses to re-imagine and conceptualize new solutions based on re-use of Danish health data. It did so under the question ‘How can we power data to shape future health?’. See more (including the winner) in this video:
The tool, however, can be used on any imaginable kind of data, not just health data, and hence makes wide universal experimentation possible. You can download the tool (and its design-files) under an open Creative Commons BY-SA license, which allows any use (also commercial) as long as the tool is attributed to Danish Design Centre as original creator.