Moving to Copenhagen


This is actually somewhat old news, as I made the public announcement two weeks ago, but I feel I should mention it here on my own web space too: I will be leaving Aalborg and Platform4 to move to Copenhagen in the beginning of 2013.

Copy/pasting the announcement from the Platform4-website below:

After five intense years being part of founding, developing and running Platform4, it is now time for one of Platform4’s executive directors, Christian Villum, to seek new challenges. He will be leaving his position at Platform4 at the end of the year and will be moving to Copenhagen.

His thoughts are:
“- The decision has been made with great hesitation and reluctance, because Platform4 has been a wonderful and integrated part of my life since 2008. But a move to Copenhagen has been a suppressed urge of mine for the last couple of years, and I feel that the time is now right to take thought into action. The decision has been incredibly difficult though, because I’ve been putting my life and soul into Platform4 together with the other platformers, and the desire to continue that work and development is enormous.

Additionally, it saddens my heart to have to leave the amazing Platform4 community. But sometimes you have to make difficult decisions to follow your dreams, and at the same time I sincerely hope that my forthcoming ventures can be used to continually be involved in starting ad hoc national and international Platform4 projects – from remote. Moreover, I plan to visit and participate as much as possible when being home to visit family and friends and doing freelance work in Aalborg.

I still have no set plans for what I’ll be doing in Copenhagen, so all directions are open – and I will continue to drive forward all my other projects including the Uhrlaut record label, my project development company Spraengfarlig and the work for the global open culture organization Creative Commons and as a free web activist in general.”

Villum will be leaving his position on December 31, 2012, and will continue his Platform4 work at full throttle until that date. A re-organization plan for Platform4 will be presented during the fall.

Big thanks for the kind comments about this news on the Platform4 Facebook-page. I really appreciate it.


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