Last week in Danish Design Centre - in collaboration with Copenhagen's new innercity makerspace UNDERBROEN - we kicked off "Debatter UNDERBROEN", a new discussion event series taking on contemporary topics within production and technology. This is part of our FutureFab platform in which we explore what design, new manufacturing technology and maker culture will do to transform the future of manufacturing in Denmark and beyond.
The first event (last week) was titled "Help! My colleague is a robot" and focused on the potentials and concerns of automation, robotics and, to some extent, artificial intelligence. We had a kick-ass panel consisting of Henrik Schärfe (CEO, Foundation Autonomous), Jacob Himmelstrup (Partner & Sales Director, Linimatic), Janos Flösser (Senior Partner, Promentum Capital) and Kurt Nielsen (Director, Center for Robot Technology)
Read more about the event on the Danish Design Centre blog.