Interview in Jyllandsposten, critical comment by IFPI, moving Platform4, coverage in TV2Nord, Gaffa + Nordjyske // #platform4dk #uhrlaut

It’s busy times right now; we’ve moved Platform4 from the old venue to the new, launched the PlayForm Mobile Art & Technology Exhibition and released a new EP with Tone – while at the same time trying out a new rather rebellious sharing experiment in Aalborg, Aarhus and Copenhagen.

To start from the end: The release of the Black Duck EP on my Uhrlaut electronic music label (and, more so, the way we did it) drew both attention and critical comment. See ao. this Nordjyske article (in Danish), this Gaffa article (in Danish) and this Jyllandsposten interview (in Danish), where Danish IFPI chairman Henrik Daldorph makes the kind of comment you’ve come to expect from the major labels when trying to do things any other way than the (outdated) way.

The PlayForm Exhibition (one of many current Platform4 technology/creativity projects) received some nice attention too; a TV2-Nord television segment (in Danish) and a Nordjyske article (also in Danish). Both also focus on our move to the new location for Platform4 as well as the interesting (and ambitious) Park Lights Project (in collaboration with the Illutron hackspace from Copenhagen).

Last, but not least, check out this great video of one of the PlayForm projects, Granny’s Backyard, made by Tim Garbos and Martin Fasterholdt from the Labitat hackerspace, also in Copenhagen). It rocks:


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