Heading for Cuba! // #cuba #caribbean

So today I head to Cuba with my girlfriend to backpack for a couple of weeks around the country. Cuba has been on my list of places to visit for many years, especially while Castro is still in power. We're not quite sure what to expect, but we're surely excited just the same.
The perhaps biggest challenge is for me to go offline for a couple of weeks. From what I read Internet-access is relatively scarce in many areas, so I am gearing for staying off the grid for the duration of the trip. That's the first time in several years actually.

Looking very much forward to set foot in Havana tomorrow evening!

PS: On a curious note I just realized how I will be visiting 6 countries in just 4 days. Tuesday I went to Sweden for meetings, Wednesday I was back home in Denmark, today I go by train to Germany (we're flying out of Hamburg) and head by plane to London to spend the night before flying to Cuba via Madrid, Spain. Reminds me of the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Tribute to Del Griffith!

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