Rewarding Platform4 and Creative Commons talks // #platform4dk #crossmedia #cc

Yesterday and today I’ve been giving some really rewarding talks in Copenhagen and Aalborg.

Sunday afternoon (while returning from Transmediale11 in Berlin) I had been invited as CC Public Lead to take part in a nice session in Copenhagen, where the extremely apt grassroot label Red Tape has invited the public to discuss open license uses in music. They are known for their adventurous ways to release music and setup tours (9 bands on European tour this spring) and their initiative to discuss their ideas and ways was really embraced well: The room was packed to the last chair.

Second talk was in NOVI Research Park in Aalborg, where I did a quick presention of the CrossMedia/Playshare and Platform4 projects to Aalborg Erhvervsråd (Aalborg Business Council) – mainly on where we (my colleagues and I) will try to take these projects in the coming year, but also pondering a bit about where media/technology development in general is going these days (participation, openness, playfulness etc.). The audience, which comprised ao. the mayor of Aalborg, Henning G. Jensen, was really keen, and a lot of really good connections were made. More will come from this encounter, I am sure.

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