Prime Danish music magazine Geiger has shown me a great honor this year by asking me to be part of their ‘Music pleasures of the year’-series that runs for its third consecutive year. This means I get to ramble on about what music I’ve been listening to these past 12 months – and who wouldn’t enjoy such attention and opportunity? I sure do.
Basically, participants are asked what music made a difference for them in 2010, and this gave way to this little article, where my musings are put in great and rather humbling company alongside ao. Heidi Mortenson, Maria Faust and Rasmus Graff.
Read the article here.
1 Jais
Posted January 27, 2011 at 9:49 amPermalink
Super inspirerende artikel med mange spændende navne/hjemmesider. Ser frem til en stund med den bærbare, så jeg kan dykke dybere ned (^..~)
2 Christian Villum
Posted January 27, 2011 at 9:56 amPermalink
Mange tak! Håber nogle af tips’ene passer i din smag også 😉