Feedback blogging from recent talks + interviews on DR website and in Politiken

People attending some of my recent talks have been kind enough to feedback online with their impression of the sessions – which I really appreciate. After my talk at MultimediaDays at Aarhus Business Academy last week, Jeanne Bødker Nissen wrote this one on the Multimediedesigner blog:

Spændende oplæg om Creative Commons (in Danish)

Also Berit Algren Bonde of VIBE (Videnscenter for Begivenheder, which translates to something like Center for Event Knowledge) did a summarizing blog post about my presentation of Platform4’s principles and ideologies (as well as inspiring talks from others on that day) during their conference in Kosmopol in Copenhagen last week:

Fremtiden er…Nu! (in Danish)

Additionally, I was interview this week by national newspaper Politiken about my record label Uhrlaut and our way of using free file sharing as a business model for the music artists we represent. The article also focused on Danish rap artist LOC’s recent free release – and also interviews ao. Ivan Pedersen from the Danish collecting society KODA‘s board of directors. It’s quite apparent that we’re from two different generations in music.

Pladeselskabsboss: Giv din musik væk, det betaler sig (in Danish)

This article was later that day mirrored on the DR website (Danish national public service broadcaster), yet with a slightly less appealing headline that clearly shows their (not surprising) outdated view on the matter:

Fagfolk: Gratis musik er som at tisse i bukserne (in Danish)



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