On Monday I have been invited to sit in a panel for DR2-TV’s Dokumania’s official Danish premiere of ‘The Internet’s Own Boy’ in Den Sorte Diamant, Copenhagen. It’s the documentary telling the story of Internet activist Aaron Swartz, who among other authored the Guerilla Open Access Manifesto, co-wrote RSS web feed format, co-founded Reddit but most importantly stood up to the academic publishing world demanding freedom of knowledge – and paid the highest price for doing so.
I am a big admirer of Swartz and have tried over the last few months to promote his ideas in Denmark, among other by translating the Guerilla Open Access Manifesto in Danish.
The panel will take place right after the screening and will also feature Vincent Hendricks, professor in formal philosophy and Pernille Tranberg, founder of Digital Identity. It will be moderated by director Christoffer Guldbrandsen.
More information:
Monday May 26 2014, 17:00 / 5.00PM – Den Sorte Diamant, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, 1219 Copenhagen.