Category Archive Creative Commons

Talking tomorrow about CC at LYNfabrikken in Aarhus #creativecommons

I'll be giving a presentation at a nice initiative tomorrow in Aarhus. As a sort of sequel to the event in Aalborg back in May, Filmfestival Aarhus has now arranged for yet another screening of RIP: A Remix Manifesto, this time at LYNfabrikken in Aarhus. Like last time, I will be giving a brief presentation […] Read More…

The ‘Some Rights Reserved For Nordic Artists’ project #creativecommons #freeculture

I was recently invited to take part in a very interesting project titled 'Some Rights Reserved For Nordic Artists' (herein dubbed SRRNA). The project involves the Creative Commons (CC) project leads from all the Scandinavian countries and aims to bring knowledge about CC to nordic artists. In practice, it will run over the next year […] Read More…

Participating in sampling copyright discussion today at RIP-screening #creativecommons

Today I will attend the screening RIP: A Remix Manifesto hosted in Biffen Art Cinema in Aalborg by Århus Filmfestival On Tour. After the screening will be held a small discussion round where I (as affiliated to Creative Commons Denmark) and local mashup music artist Au2pilot (aka. Jon Niemi, signed to Urlyd Audiovisual Recordings) will […] Read More…

CC Salon in Danish national radio / #ccsaloncph

Danish national radio show 'Harddisken' did some coverage of the first Creative Commons Salon event in Copenhagen on April 27 (which I co-hosted as new public project lead for CC Denmark). Read about it (and listen to the show podcast) here. All in all, the salon was a great night with a full room and […] Read More…

Starting as public project lead for #creativecommons Denmark

As of May 1, I have started as so-called public project lead for Creative Commons Denmark, after my friend Henrik Moltke (@moltke) has moved on to work for Mozilla's Drumbeat project. More about that here. The first project in this new position will be the co-hosting of the first ever CC Salon in Copenhagen, which […] Read More…