Blogging about the digitization and opening of our cultural heritage



Last week there was an interesting article in Danish national newspaper Information, which explained how Norway are planning to digitize and release all of their written cultural heritage – all of it: books, magazines, articles, etc. – and to make it freely available to all Norwegian citizens. This prompted me to comment on the Danish situation, where the topic has been discussed for years, but legal entanglements are preventing any such initiative to be made.

In my article I also forward some criticism towards the Norwegian idea of allowing only Norwegian citizens to access the materials freely – which seems silly and ineffective rather than letting everyone online access the material (I assume they will do IP-filtering, which is very easy to circumvent).

I published the the commentary piece on the Open Knowledge Foundation Denmark blog, and it was subsequently picked up by the “Information” newspaper and re-published on their Protokol blog:

Hvorfor digitaliserer vi ikke som Norge? (in Danish)

I hope to make an English translation soon.

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