Tag Archives: Studenterhuset

Participating in Danish Rock Music Museum panel tonight // #aalborg #studenterhuset

Tonight I have been invited to be part of a panel to discuss the Danish music scene in general and the local music scene in general. The occasion is the forthcoming opening of the Danish Rock Music Museum (Danmarks Rockmuseum) in Roskilde, with preliminary activities that includes a tour of the country to create awareness […] Read More…

Now writing for gaffa.dk

This week I’ve written my first concert review for gaffa.dk, the webportal of the largest Danish music mag, Gaffa. The concert was by Bob Hund at Studenterhuset, Aalborg (Denmark). Read the review here. Read More…

Free ticket for Den Sorte Skole

So the skilled 3-dj-outfit Den Sorte Skole will be tearing things up at Studenterhuset in Aalborg with their six turntables this Saturday. I’ll definitely go. Moreover, I won 2 ticks from nitusind.nu but will only be using one. If you want the other, email or text me. Read More…