Tag Archives: Stockholm

Arrived #Stockholm, #CC-meeting about GLAM + visit to the #sparvnästet hackerspace

Earlier today I arrived in Stockholm (my first time here) to participate in a Creative Commons session tomorrow about the GLAM-sector (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums). A session organized by our colleagues and friends in CC-Sweden. Tonight I also had the pleasure of visiting the Sparvnästet hackerspace through kind guidance by @jchillerup. Really friendly bunch of […] Read More…

Tone to support Tortoise on Scandinavia tour #tortoise #urlyd #tonedk

Today it was confirmed that Tone, one of the artists on small label Urlyd, are to join Tortoise on their forthcoming Scandinavian Tour in early December. Thus, performances will be given in Stockholm, Malmö and in Lille Vega in Copenhagen. Great stuff indeed. Read more at the Urlyd website. Read More…