Tag Archives: inspiration

Heading for New York + Burning Man Festival with #AAU and #Platform4

. After having spent the last days in Berlin to attend the Campus Party conference, it is now time to move on and jump on the plane towards New York. After a two day stop-over there I'll continue to Reno in Nevada to meet up with a 9-people group of people affiliated with Aalborg University […] Read More…

Inspirational talk on “Interaction & Virtuality” now online // #aalborg

This is a recording of the inspirational talk I did for the think tank of the New University Hospital Aalborg. Inspirations-talk af Christian Villum om 'Interaktion & Virtualitet' - for tænketanken for Det Ny Universitetshospital Aalborg from Christian Villum on Vimeo.This is a recording of the inspirational talk I did for the think tank of […] Read More…

Presentation at University College seminar today #platform4dk #aalborg

Today I'll be giving a presentation of Platform4 at a kick-off seminar hosted by University College. The main focus of the event is providing new students and business partners with inspiration, so my focus will be put on the way we try to motivate Platform4 users towards developing new ideas and creativity.Today I'll be giving […] Read More…