. . With Danish Design Centre we’ll once again fly to Austin Texas to attend SXSW Interactive in March 2017. This time we’ll not only co-organize a series of side events, but also speak in the official program. Concretely we are curating a panel event under the title ‘Share or Die: Is the future of […] Read More…
Current location
of autofunk.dk is Copenhagen, Denmark.
Previous locations:
2013 -> Copenhagen
2010-2012 - Aalborg (Denmark)
2009-2010 - Berlin - read blog.
2008-2009 - Aalborg (Denmark)
2007-2008 - New York - read blog 1 + blog 2.
2005-2007 - Aalborg (Denmark)
2005 - Chicago - read blog.
-> 2005 - Aalborg (Denmark)Content licence