Tag Archives: Blip Festival Scandinavia

Blip VU-meter picked up by InProcessing #blipscan #platform4dk

The giant VU-meter that Bjarke Rønnow and Ida Prag from the Platform4 volunteer crew (in collaboration with Sune Petersen) set up for Blip Festival Scandinavia last weekend has gained quite a lot of attention. Now Manchester-based online show InProcessing will be doing a live feed tonight – as well as be given the power to […] Read More…

Blip Festival in TV2-Nord tonight #platform4dk #blipscan

With only two days to go before our amazing Blip Festival Scandinavia hits the fan in Platform4 on Friday and Saturday, regional tv-channel TV2-Nord will broadcast live from the venue today at 19.30 CET – to show people a bit from the massive setup that is currently being put up for the festival in our […] Read More…