This is a blog. A contemplative online presence aimed at presenting, commenting, scrutinizing and/or discussing a wide range of topics in the sphere of media, politics, technology, social justice, art, civil dissent and other subjects in our increasingly globalized network society.

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YouTube downloads being tested using Creative Commons

Creative Commons is really bashing forward. Check out this announcement on their blog: “YouTube just made an incredibly exciting announcement: it’s testing an option that gives video owners the ability to allow downloads and share their work under Creative Commons licenses. The test is being launched with a handful of partners, including Stanford, Duke, UC […]

The legal guide for bloggers

Starting a blog is easy, but there are issues to consider before you start tapping away. The magnificent EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) has recently updated and re-published their ‘Legal Guide For Bloggers‘.

The impact of ‘free’

Chris Anderson, chief editor of Wired magazine, has become the leading proponent of ‘the economics of giving it away’ – ie. free service as a business model, as used by all major web actors right now – from Google to Skype. After writing the bestseller ‘The Long Tail‘, which I’ve read – it’s really interesting […]

Google Maps as street art channel

I just love things like that: A group of grass-root art organizers in Pittsburgh staged a street spectacle on the day the Google Maps Street View camera car came by to map their neighborhood. Read this Washington Post article, and read about the event on the groups, Street With A View, own website.

Will Jack Bauer Change His Ways?

Interesting subject in todays newsletter from Human Rights First: “Jack Bauer is back, in the 7th season of Fox Network’s 24. Bauer has tortured more people than anyone else on TV, and virtually all of the program’s 89 scenes of torture presented it as an effective and morally justifiable interrogation technique. The new season looks […]

Epicentre war protest

Boing Boing’s videoblog – BBtv – from yesterday, January 29, 2009, is really cool. First off, it takes a look at photographer Glen E. Friedman’s photos of old school hip hop artists including Run DMC and Public Enemy. However, 4 minutes in, it gets really interesting, as it looks at an awesome large-scale anti-war statement […]

Information accessibility

As presented by the brilliant Journalism 2.0-blog, the Obama administration has once again emphasized its principle of information accessibility by opening up another previously closed-off branch of US government. This time by launching, a site devoted to letting “Americans see where their money goes” and putting the spotlight on the new federal budget. The […]

“Entropa” – controversial art

Czech Republic artist David Cerny has really stirred the pond with his EU-funded piece ‘Entropa’. Danish newspaper Information recently published an interesting article on the matter (in Danish, sorry), but also a gazzillion blogs have picked up the story. Here is one (in English). My thoughts are: How can this upset people so much? Art […]

Proprietary inaugural stream

We’re all really excited about the inauguration of the 44th president yesterday. One of the Obama administrations focal points is the protection of the openness of the Internet. However, the official web streaming from the inauguration event did not pay homage to the promises set forth. The PlayOgg team suggested that we all write the […]

Lawrence Lessig on Colbert Report

Check out this little snippet. It’s quite funny and interesting (if you can refrain from being annoyed by Stephen Colbert’s contant if-I-interrupt-and-yell-the-highest-I-am-funny humour). Also, read the EFF (Electronica Frontier Foundation) piece.

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  • About this blog

    Welcome to the blog, a contemplative online presence aimed at presenting, commenting, scrutinizing and/or discussing a wide range of topics in the sphere of media, politics, technology, social justice, art, civil dissent and other inspiring and/or troublesome subjects in our increasingly globalized world and network society.

    The blog is edited by Christian Villum.

    The 'megasolutions to microproblems' tag is a word remix of a compilation series title coined by Soul Jazz Records
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