Will Jack Bauer Change His Ways?
Posted on | January 31, 2009 | No Comments
Interesting subject in todays newsletter from Human Rights First:
“Jack Bauer is back, in the 7th season of Fox Network’s 24. Bauer has tortured more people than anyone else on TV, and virtually all of the program’s 89 scenes of torture presented it as an effective and morally justifiable interrogation technique. The new season looks to be even more of a self-conscious promotion of torture.”
Watch HRF’s video:
“In the analysis of the show’s premiere on January 11th, the New York Times and the Washington Post ran articles that discussed the coming season and featured HRF’s Primetime Torture campaign. Read HRF’s David Danzig’s opinion piece on the Huffington Post, where he explains how military trainers have cited 24 as an obstacle to ensuring that young officers comply with the Geneva Conventions.”
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